How To Keto Diet? Here Are The Top 3 Reasons Why You Should (And 9 Things To Look Out For!)

John Republic
5 min readOct 30, 2022


What Is The Ketogenic Diet?

The ketogenic diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet that revolves around consuming high amounts of fats, proteins, and low-to-moderate amounts of carbohydrates. This diet is very high in fat, which means that it is not meant to be followed long term. It is recommended to do it strictly for a short period. This diet is used to treat certain medical conditions and is being explored as a way to potentially prevent and reverse chronic diseases. You’re probably wondering, “Why would anyone choose to eat like this?” The diet may seem extreme at first, but there are a few key benefits to it. As a keto dieter, you’ll lose weight quickly and easily, thanks to an increased fat metabolism that occurs when you reduce your carbohydrate intake. Your body will also burn more fat for energy, resulting in less fatigue and hunger pangs. You’ll also see improvements in your blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, and insulin resistance — all of which may help ward off diabetes and reduce your risk of developing other diseases.

How to Keto Diet?

First things first, let’s set the scene. The ketogenic diet is not the same thing as the Atkins diet or the Atkins diet protocol. The ketogenic diet is a way of eating that focuses on high fat, moderate protein, and low to moderate carbs. It’s based on the idea that by taking the carbohydrates out of your diet, your body enters ketosis, which triggers weight loss because, well, you’re burning fat for fuel. The ketogenic diet is a relatively restrictive diet and it is not a quick fix. It’s a lifestyle change that’s meant to be sustainable and helpful for achieving your health and weight goals. Unlike crash diets, ketogenic diets aren’t meant to be followed for a short period and then abandoned. The goal is to make healthy changes that will last a lifetime. Here’s the recipe for a keto-friendly bread.

Why You Shouldn’t Do a Ketogenic Diet?

While a ketogenic diet may help you lose weight, there are several reasons why you shouldn’t follow it. Let’s take a look at them now.

— Not for Everyone: Before you decide to go on the ketogenic diet, it’s a good idea to learn everything you can about it first. After all, this is a fairly restrictive diet that’s only meant for a specific group of people. While it may help you lose weight, it’s not for everyone.

— Keto Flu and Crankiness: You may begin to feel a little jittery and dizzy as your body transitions from a glucose-dependent state to fat metabolism. This is called “keto flu,” and it’s completely normal. But, if you feel like you’re about to snap at someone, stop what you’re doing, take a deep breath, and relax.

— Boredom and Low Energy: While you’re following the ketogenic diet, you may experience several cravings and intense mood swings related to low energy and boredom. This is because your body is very used to getting glucose from sugar, and it’s going through a major transformation. If you find yourself frustrated and bored, it’s important to just sit and relax.

— Disorderly Eating: This is an especially important one. After all, you’re going to be cutting out a lot of foods from your diet. While you may feel a decrease in cravings while following this diet, you may experience a decrease in your overall motivation to eat healthily and a decrease in your overall energy levels. This can make it much harder to stay within your recommended caloric intake and maintain good health.

3 Benefits of the Keto Diet

  • Weight Loss: While there are several factors that contribute to weight loss, a major benefit of the keto diet is the increased fat metabolism. As your body transitions from glucose-dependent to fat-dependent energy, you’ll experience an increase in fat burning. This increased fat metabolism may also reduce your hunger pangs and cravings, making it easier to stay within your daily caloric intake.
  • Improved Insulin Sensitivity: Another benefit of the ketogenic diet is that it has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity. This makes it much easier to stay within your daily caloric intake, avoid overeating, and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Better Long-Term Health: Research has shown that the keto diet may promote beneficial changes in the gut microbiota, the bacteria that live in the intestines. This may benefit your overall health by increasing your overall gut health and decreasing your risk of developing certain diseases.

9 Things to Look Out For While Doing The Keto Diet

  • Keep in Mind Your Caloric Intake: Make sure you’re keeping track of your daily caloric intake, especially if you’re trying the ketogenic diet for weight loss. While this diet may increase your metabolism and help you burn fat, it can also make you more likely to overeat.
  • Check Your Blood Sugar Levels: While the ketogenic diet may improve insulin sensitivity, make sure you’re checking your blood sugar levels throughout the day to make sure they’re within your normal range.
  • Maintain Your Strength and Energy Levels: You may notice a decrease in energy while following the ketogenic diet. Make sure to eat small, frequent meals throughout the day and ensure you’re getting enough B vitamins and minerals.
  • Maintain Your Good Gut Health: The ketogenic diet has been shown to have beneficial effects on your gut microbiota. This can benefit your overall health by promoting good gut health, but you may want to consider taking a probiotic supplement.
  • Maintain Your Weight: Make sure to maintain your current weight while following the ketogenic diet. While this diet may lead to quick weight loss, it can be difficult to maintain your weight once you’ve reached your goal.
  • Keep in Mind The Side Effects: While the benefits of the ketogenic diet may outweigh the potential side effects, you may experience cravings and mood swings. These may make it difficult to stay within your recommended daily caloric intake and may even lead to disordered eating habits.

These are some of the important facts that you need to know about the ketogenic diet. Now that you know what it is and why you shouldn’t do it, let’s look at some of the strategies that you can implement to make it easier to follow.

Making the transition to a ketogenic diet can be challenging in itself, but the good news is that it doesn’t have to be! There are several strategies that you can implement to make it easier to follow the ketogenic diet, such as implementing a meal plan, tracking your macronutrient intake, and creating a ketogenic diet plan with a dietitian. Click here for more info to help you on your keto journey.

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John Republic

John Republic is the owner of and a journalist with more than 15 years experience writing and editing articles of varying interests